A Healthy You

BSL: 20 Benefits of Walking 30 Minutes in a Day

Twenty benefits of walking 30 minutes daily in the morning are - It reduces the risk of heart attack and disease, helps in maintaining weight, reduce your stress levels, increses your energy levels, helps to boost your mood, gets the blood pumping, prevents obesity, it can help to reduce anxiety, increase functioning of lungs, increase the bodys access to vitamin D, reduces the risk of cancer, can improve the quality of sleep, gives you time to practice self care, improves coordination and balance, improves quality of life, reduces/prevent diabities, walking can spark creativity, strengthen bones & muscles, improves the blood pressure and it can also boost your immune system.

Surprising Health Benefits of Walking Barefoot

The simple act of walking barefoot offers so many benefits that often get overlooked by mainstream society pushing the importance of wearing shoes at all times. Walking with your feet directly touching the soil allows your body to absorb negative electrons through the Earth, which helps to stabilize daily cortisol rhythm and create a balanced internal bioelectrical environment Barefoot can reduce pain, stress, sleep troubles and inflammation.

Strengthens the immune system - Researchers found that walking barefoot can actually decrease white blood cell count and increase red blood cell count. This outcome indicates a positive immune response.

Reduce the risk of heart disease - Earthing increases the surface charge of red blood cells. This results in the reduction of clumping in the cells, which therefore decreases blood thickness. Since high viscosity has been directly linked as a risk factor in heart disease, earthing therefore reduces the risk of heart disease significantly.

Regulates the nervous system, decreasing feelings of anxiety and stress - Going outside, in general, can help regulate emotions and balance the nervous system. However, letting your body come in contact with the soil directly decreases anxiety and stress even more. That’s because the Earth carries a negative charge with it. And we have a positive charge due to all the electromagnetic waves we come in contact with daily, spending time connecting with Earth is vital to your emotional and physical health.

It helps normalize biological rhythms - Earthing helps to re-establish regular sleeping patterns and resets the biological clock within us all. Environmental pollution, including lights, chemicals, and other factors, greatly affects our sleeping patterns, so coming in contact with Earth’s negatively charged electrons can help immensely with your body’s circadian rhythm and other biological processes.

Walking barefoot helps loosen tense muscles and even eliminate headaches - Earthing can prevent delayed onset muscle soreness from occurring after engaging in physical exercise, so this can certainly apply to other situations that cause tense muscles, such as working at a desk all day, for example. Migraine have been linked in some instances to prolonged exposure to radiation, and since earthing literally grounds the body and reduces free radicals, it can alleviate headaches as well.

Earthing boosts energy levels - Any time you immerse yourself in the natural world, you pick up on the higher frequencies emitted from nature. Therefore, you increase your own energy levels. Exposure to modern society can definitely affect your vitality. So, make sure to spend as much time in nature as you can!

It protects the body from dangerous EMFS (electromagnetic fields) - As we have touched on previously, earthing can reduce the electromagnetic charge within the body. Plus, it may prevent you from the harmful effects of EMF’s.

Editorial Team

Copy Editor: U. Padma Latha

Editorial Board:


  • O. P. Ajmera
  • Manish Gulati
  • Manoj Sharma
  • Sanjay Sharma
  • Mohit Maheshwari
  • Jyoti Gupta




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Email : padma.latha@lnjbhilwara.com

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