Lifestyle Management

Gardening – a therapy that can relieve stress

Colours are the smiles of nature, and a garden is a friend you can visit any time.

Can gardening relieve stress?

Gardening can make you feel more peaceful and content. Focusing your attention on the immediate tasks and details of gardening can reduce negative thoughts and feelings and can make you feel better in the moment. Just spending time around plants eases stress for many people. Boosts self-esteem.

Why is gardening so peaceful?

Researchers found that bacteria found in the soil actually helped activate brain cells that could produce serotonin. That's a pretty incredible addition to the sense of presence and mindfulness that gardening can bring. Gardening has even been used as therapy across a number of different populations.

Why are gardens so relaxing?

Gardening as a form of exercise can be good for you as it helps to release endorphins, the hormone that helps to make people feel satisfied and relaxed. Furthermore, being outside in direct contact with the sunlight could help improve your mood.

Why is gardening good for anxiety?

As research on wilderness therapy, horticultural therapy, and urban green spaces indicate, spending time in nature is associated with increased emotion regulation, decreased neural activity, and decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Does gardening make you happy?

Gardening is actually an effective way of improving your physical and psychological wellbeing. With all the digging, lifting, pruning, weeding, watering, harvesting, planting, raking, transplanting, and moving, it's clear how gardening can have many physical benefits.

Do gardeners have better immune systems?

Another interesting benefit of working in your garden is a better immune system. Exposure to bacteria and microorganisms found in soil can boost your immunity and keep you healthier. It is possible that gardening can alleviate symptoms of allergies, asthma, and skin conditions caused by a weaker immune system

Why is gardening healing?

Gardens reduce stress and promotes a sense of wellbeing. This leads to measurable psychological, physiological, and behavioral benefits, such as reduced anxiety, sadness, and other negative moods, lower blood pressure and improved immune functioning, and better compliance with treatment protocol.

What is barefoot grounding?

Grounding, aka earthing, is the act of walking barefoot on the earth whether it be sand, dirt or grass. When you walk barefoot on the earth your body picks up free ions from earth's surface that act as antioxidants in your system.  While walking barefoot, there is a better oxygen supply throughout the body and the metabolism is boosted. At the same time, the energy exchange during earthing ensures that pain and inflammation are relieved. The whole body feels energized.

What are the mental benefits of gardening?

Gardening can positively impact several health outcomes, including:

  • Reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Decrease in reported stress and mood disturbances
  • Decrease in BMI
  • Higher reported sense of community
  • Increased physical activity
  • Improved cognitive function


Humour at Work Accelerates Creativity

Humour - Laugh more and lead better!

Humour means different things to different people and these are:

  • Affiliative humour includes funny personal stories and jokes that enhance social interaction. This kind of humour helps ease social tensions.
  • Self-enhancing humour can help people deal with stress by staying positive. People who always look for a bit of joy in a stressful or distressing situation tend to rely on self-enhancing humour. 
  • Aggressive humour relies on jokes or humiliation to manipulate others. This is the kind of joking that makes one person feel better at another’s expense. 
  • Self-defeating person who regularly puts themselves down in a humorous way is using this humour style. When used correctly, it can help make you feel more approachable.

Benefits of humour in the workplace - When used correctly, humour in the workplace can be a boon to company morale. Together, professional teams can work to develop a great sense of humour and a healthy approach to at work.

1. Start with yourself

First things first, it’s important not to take yourself too seriously. Instead, try a bit of self-deprecating humour.  It turns out that when both leaders and employees share self-deprecating humour, the employees respect their leaders more.

2. Share funny videos, photos, and quotes with colleagues 

These days, there is an unending supply of laugh-out-loud funny internet content. You can easily look up humour in the workplace quotes to find work-appropriate memes and quotes you can share with your co-workers. Sharing the content, you love with others can help you bond with co-workers that have similar senses of humour. 

3. Share a funny story that happened to you 

Sharing about your life outside of work can also help people get to know you better and feel more connected.

4. Engage in a fun game

Fun and non-competitive games can be a great way to lighten the mood and help people bond. 

5. Use humour to defuse conflicts

Conflicts between co-workers or clients are never fun. Instead of letting a disagreement pull you further into a negative place, try some humour to lighten tensions and move forward in a positive way. 

Humour is a key to success at work:

  • People will enjoy working with you. 
  • It’s a stress buster, an emotional response and a physical response that relaxes you when you laugh.
  • It is humanizing and allows both employees and managers to come together.
  • It puts others at ease and is a way to break through the tension barrier.
  • A key ingredient in creative thinking and also helps people play with ideas, lower their internal critic, and see things in new ways
  • It helps build trust and often reveals the authentic person lurking under the professional mask
  • It boosts morale and retention while reducing turnover because employees look forward to coming to work.
  • People who use humour tend to be more approachable. 
  • Can allow your company to stand out and go beyond with their customer service, garnering them a huge loyal following.
  • It can increase productivity that encourages interaction, brainstorming of new ideas, and a feeling that there are few risks in thinking outside the box. It's a win-win for you and your employer."

Editorial Team

Copy Editor: U. Padma Latha

Editorial Board:


  • O. P. Ajmera
  • Manish Gulati
  • Manoj Sharma
  • Sanjay Sharma
  • Mohit Maheshwari
  • Jyoti Gupta




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