Better Living

Living a Minimalist Lifestyle and Bringing Nature Inside Home

'Living with less' or minimalism teaches you to buy less and buy better. It promotes conscious decision-making about belongings, time, energy, and relationships. Minimalists are authentic, valuing simplicity and rejecting superficial mass consumerism. They aim to highlight the beauty, essence, and true purpose of things in their lives.

Minimalism has been found to have a profound impact on mental health, promoting a sense of calm, clarity, and overall well-being. We can reduce the stress and anxiety that can be caused by an excess of possessions and physical clutter. Research has shown that minimalist living can release dopamine in our brains, which is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and satisfaction. Through meditation, introspection, and mindfulness - smart people let go of bad thoughts and learn to calm the mind's chaotic nature. They give themselves ample time for stillness and quiet. 

Bringing nature inside home

Incorporating more nature and natural elements into your daily rhythm can be therapeutic and rejuvenating. Bringing bits of the outdoors into your “indoor life” is a great way to stay connected to all the beautiful things nature provides. These elements reduce stress, relieve anxiety, and refocus your attention when it’s not practical or possible to get outside. By incorporating these ideas into your daily life and routine, you can keep a healthy, positive outdoor mindset year-round. Adding potted plants, succulents, or flowers to your home is a simple and effective way to bring the outside world inside. Not only do plants purify the air, but they can also add a natural beauty and texture to your bedroom.

Sprinkle plants in every room - Bringing more plants into your home is a great way to incorporate nature into your life. Pick out a selection of plants that are easy to grow indoors. Consider where you’ll place them in your home and how much sunlight they’ll get. Taking care of the plants should be a family-centered activity. Let your children choose plants for their bedrooms and let them be responsible for their own plants. Feeling ambitious, try growing plants from a seed. Adding plants throughout your home is such a fun hobby and a great way to get your kids involved. 

Choose natural items as décor - Another way to incorporate nature into your home is to use natural items as home decor. When choosing storage bins, accessories, and colors for your interiors, consider choosing natural-made or natural-looking items. Select a color palette inspired by your favorite garden or landscape. White and grey stones pair well in minimalist settings. Wood furnishings can be dressed up or down to suit any theme. Incorporate more decorative items made from wood, stone, antlers, branches/stumps, driftwood, pebbles, or other textures found in nature. Paint a mural of trees or frame-pressed flowers. Buy wicker baskets for storage and shelves.

Natural scents - You can also bring the smell of nature into your home and fill your space with something fresh and natural. You can find candles, wax melters, diffusers, and sprays in many natural scents like pine, rain, fresh cut grass, citrus, oregano, lavender or lilac.

Nature journaling - Nature journaling is a great hobby that you can do both in and outdoors with a focus on nature’s fine details. Gather a quality-made journal, pens, colored pencils, and some watercolors. Or just some scrap paper and your kids’ crayons! No need to be fancy. Take your time and draw nature. Getting creative by practicing this stress-relieving form of expression is a great way to unwind with nature.

Indoor Herb Gardens - Simple clay pots of herbs next to a window are always a good place to start. Basil is an easy choice and will provide lots of yummy leaves for salads, pesto, pasta, and more. Turn your countertop or windowsill into a small garden with pots of your favourite herbs such as rosemary, mint, and thyme. 

Edible flowers and fresh herbs - Another way to bring the outdoors in is to opt for edible fresh flowers and herbs to garnish and cook with.  You can do this easily by freezing them directly into ice cubes to add to your drinks. You can cut up herbs and flowers and use them to brighten up a salad or garnish a plate. Adding these bright bites to your daily meals will not only please your palate but give you a boost of antioxidants and vitamins.

Soundscapes - Tap into your auditory sense by bringing the sound of the outdoors inside. Create a nature-themed playlist that you can listen to at home, in the office, or on your commute to work. Nature has its own music – ocean/wave sounds, gentle rain, whale songs, thunderstorms, bird calls, or a crackling campfire.  Close your eyes, listen carefully, and connect yourself to the sound of nature for instant relaxation and stress relief.

Scroll nature - If you’re going to be online, incorporate nature into your media by and pages that share amazing shots and videos of nature, wildlife, and outdoor activities. Consider this time as research to get inspired by new adventures and activities when you get back out there. Relax by looking at photos of the depths of the oceans, wildlife in the deserts, or camping under the stars. Incorporating nature into screen time is a great escape to beautiful places and a nice break from the daily grind.  

Nature studies - Find a good nature-based curriculum and follow along with the activities to learn new things about the outdoors. Set up a bird feeder outside your window and place a bird guide and binoculars next to it for easy access. Read about wildlife habitats, local flora and fauna, and study trail maps for hikes you’d like to go on.

Garden dreams - It’s never too early to start planning your outdoor garden space and figuring out what you’ll plant this year. Use the time and preparations indoors to kickstart a thriving outdoor garden. Gardening can be a year-long adventure and a part of your routine every day.

Find a sunny spot - Pay attention to the times of days when the sun is shining through the windows of your home and find that super sunny spot to warm yourself and soak in the sunshine. Set up tables in that spot, play areas or cozy sitting spaces. Add a comfy chair and some pillows and turn it into a reading nook. Rotate your houseplants in this sunny spot. Notice how the light changes in that location throughout the day and at different times of the year. During the perfect time of day, when the sun is shining through, sit, play, and enjoy it’s warmth.

Fresh flowers - Decorating your home with bouquets of fresh flowers are a wonderful way to incorporate nature into your daily indoor life. Spread them throughout your home in places where you spend a lot of time. Seeing bright bouquets can bring so much freshness and happiness to your indoor space.

Nature-themed play - To keep your kids connected to nature while playing indoors, choose toys that incorporate nature into your children’s daily lives. Look for toys inspired by nature or made from natural materials like wood and stone.

Nature documentaries - When getting outside isn’t possible, take advantage of the vast selection of earth and natural wonder documentaries on your streaming services. These exciting series can take you to places you’ve never even heard of and introduce you to animals you never knew existed.

Bringing nature into our homes- Incorporating more nature and natural elements into your daily rhythm can be therapeutic and rejuvenating. Bringing bits of the outdoors into your “indoor life” is a great way to stay connected to all the beautiful things nature provides. These elements reduce stress, relieve anxiety, and refocus your attention when it’s not practical or possible to get outside. By incorporating these ideas into your daily life and routine, you can keep a healthy, positive outdoor mindset year-round. Adding potted plants, succulents, or flowers to your home is a simple and effective way to bring the outside world inside. Not only do plants purify the air, but they can also add a natural beauty and texture to your bedroom.

Sprinkle plants in every room - Bringing more plants into your home is a great way to incorporate nature into your life. Pick out a selection of plants that are easy to grow indoors. Consider where you’ll place them in your home and how much sunlight they’ll get. Taking care of the plants should be a family-centered activity. Let your children choose plants for their bedrooms and let them be responsible for their own plants. Feeling ambitious, try growing plants from a seed. Adding plants throughout your home is such a fun hobby and a great way to get your kids involved. 

Choose natural items as décor - Another way to incorporate nature into your home is to use natural items as home decor. When choosing storage bins, accessories, and colors for your interiors, consider choosing natural-made or natural-looking items. Select a color palette inspired by your favorite garden or landscape. White and grey stones pair well in minimalist settings. Wood furnishings can be dressed up or down to suit any theme. Incorporate more decorative items made from wood, stone, antlers, branches/stumps, driftwood, pebbles, or other textures found in nature. Paint a mural of trees or frame-pressed flowers. Buy wicker baskets for storage and shelves.

Natural scents - You can also bring the smell of nature into your home and fill your space with something fresh and natural. You can find candles, wax melters, diffusers, and sprays in many natural scents like pine, rain, fresh cut grass, citrus, oregano, lavender or lilac.

Nature journaling - Nature journaling is a great hobby that you can do both in and outdoors with a focus on nature’s fine details. Gather a quality-made journal, pens, colored pencils, and some watercolors. Or just some scrap paper and your kids’ crayons! No need to be fancy. Take your time and draw nature. Getting creative by practicing this stress-relieving form of expression is a great way to unwind with nature.

Indoor Herb Gardens - Simple clay pots of herbs next to a window are always a good place to start. Basil is an easy choice and will provide lots of yummy leaves for salads, pesto, pasta, and more. Turn your countertop or windowsill into a small garden with pots of your favourite herbs such as rosemary, mint, and thyme. 

Edible flowers and fresh herbs - Another way to bring the outdoors in is to opt for edible fresh flowers and herbs to garnish and cook with.  You can do this easily by freezing them directly into ice cubes to add to your drinks. You can cut up herbs and flowers and use them  to brighten up a salad or garnish a plate. Adding these bright bites to your daily meals will not only please your palate but give you a boost of antioxidants and vitamins.

Soundscapes - Tap into your auditory sense by bringing the sound of the outdoors inside. Create a nature-themed playlist that you can listen to at home, in the office, or on your commute to work. Nature has its own music – ocean/wave sounds, gentle rain, whale songs, thunderstorms, bird calls, or a crackling campfire.  Close your eyes, listen carefully, and connect yourself to the sound of nature for instant relaxation and stress relief.

Scroll nature - If you’re going to be online, incorporate nature into your media by and pages that share amazing shots and videos of nature, wildlife, and outdoor activities. Consider this time as research to get inspired by new adventures and activities when you get back out there. Relax by looking at photos of the depths of the oceans, wildlife in the deserts, or camping under the stars. Incorporating nature into screen time is a great escape to beautiful places and a nice break from the daily grind.  

Nature studies - Find a good nature-based curriculum and follow along with the activities to learn new things about the outdoors. Set up a bird feeder outside your window and place a bird guide and binoculars next to it for easy access. Read about wildlife habitats, local flora and fauna, and study trail maps for hikes you’d like to go on.

Garden dreams - It’s never too early to start planning your outdoor garden space and figuring out what you’ll plant this year. Use the time and preparations indoors to kickstart a thriving outdoor garden. Gardening can be a year-long adventure and a part of your routine every day.

Find a sunny spot - Pay attention to the times of days when the sun is shining through the windows of your home and find that super sunny spot to warm yourself and soak in the sunshine. Set up tables in that spot, play areas or cozy sitting spaces. Add a comfy chair and some pillows and turn it into a reading nook. Rotate your houseplants in this sunny spot. Notice how the light changes in that location throughout the day and at different times of the year. During the perfect time of day, when the sun is shining through, sit, play, and enjoy it’s warmth.

Fresh flowers - Decorating your home with bouquets of fresh flowers are a wonderful way to incorporate nature into your daily indoor life. Spread them throughout your home in places where you spend a lot of time. Seeing bright bouquets can bring so much freshness and happiness to your indoor space.

Nature-themed play - To keep your kids connected to nature while playing indoors, choose toys that incorporate nature into your children’s daily lives. Look for toys inspired by nature or made from natural materials like wood and stone.

Nature documentaries - When getting outside isn’t possible, take advantage of the vast selection of earth and natural wonder documentaries on your streaming services. These exciting series can take you to places you’ve never even heard of and introduce you to animals you never knew existed.

Editorial Team

Copy Editor: U. Padma Latha

Editorial Board:


  • O. P. Ajmera
  • Manish Gulati
  • Manoj Sharma
  • Sanjay Sharma
  • Mohit Maheshwari
  • Jyoti Gupta




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