A Smiling You

Brain Teasers


a) Imagine that you are in a boat, in the middle of the sea. Suddenly, you are surrounded by hungry sharks, just waiting to feed on you. How can you put an end to this?

b) I do not have any special powers, but I can predict the score of any football game before it begins. How can I do this?

c) You are driving a bus. At the first stop, two women get on. The second stop, three men get on and one woman gets off. At the third stop, three kids and their mom get on, and a man gets off. The bus is grey, and it is raining outside. What color is the bus driver’s hair.

d) Monday, six friends went camping. Tuesday, John, Jack, and James cooked some mushrooms. Wednesday came and they ate the mushrooms. Thursday found them all dead. Exactly one friend survived, how come?


a) Stop imagining

b) Zero-to-zero

c) You are the driver

d) There are 6 friends John, Jack,James, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Editorial Team

Copy Editor: U. Padma Latha

Editorial Board:


  • O. P. Ajmera
  • Manish Gulati
  • Manoj Sharma
  • Sanjay Sharma
  • Mohit Maheshwari
  • Jyoti Gupta




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