Better Living

Home Is Where the Hyper-Personalization Is

How AI Can Help in Leading A Healthy Lifestyle

The number of people living in smart homes will more than double by 2028. Artificial intelligence is, and will be, the backbone of many smart homes, making life more convenient and sophisticated for residents.

Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa have been automating isolated tasks for years, including turning lights on and off and closing and opening blinds. The difference now, however, is that AI systems are moving away from these binary, predefined tasks, and towards more complex, personalized ones. That means AI is not only completing routine maintenance around the house but also supporting users’ lifestyle choices. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been transforming various industries and aspects of modern life, from healthcare to entertainment, and from transportation to education. The impact of AI is vast, and it has become an essential part of our everyday lives. Your fitness tracker, smartwatch, and smartphone apps can help measure your heart rate, count the number of steps you take daily, and assess how many miles you have run. Wearable lifestyle technology and mobiles can also give you signs, like vibration or beeping, to let you know that it’s time for you to have some physical activity.

AI offers several benefits, including increased efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. It can automate routine tasks, optimize processes, and enable faster decision-making. AI can also provide insights and predictions based on data analysis, leading to better outcomes and results. The Future of AI in Healthy Living: The future holds exciting possibilities for AI in promoting healthier lifestyles. As AI algorithms become more sophisticated and data sources more abundant, we can expect even greater personalization in healthcare. Wearable devices will continue to evolve, offering real-time health monitoring with improved accuracy.

AI will play an increasingly vital role in preventive medicine, helping individuals make informed decisions about their health & lifestyle! Personalized Health and Fitness Plans: AI can provide personalized health and fitness plans based on individual data. By analyzing your medical history, current health status, dietary preferences, and exercise routines, AI can create tailored plans that maximize your chances of achieving your health goals. Disease Prediction and Prevention: AI can analyze massive datasets to predict health risks and diseases. Machine learning models can identify patterns in data that humans might overlook, leading to an early detection of illnesses. AI-driven wearable devices, such as smartwatches, can continuously monitor vital signs, and alert users and healthcare providers to potential health issues.

Nutrition Assistance: Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle, and AI can be a valuable ally in this endeavor. AI-powered apps can track your daily food intake, offering insights into your nutritional habits. They can also suggest meal plans that align with your health goals, allergies, or dietary restrictions.

Mental Health Support: AI is making strides in the field of mental health. Chatbots and virtual mental health assistants powered by AI can provide emotional support, offer coping strategies, and even detect signs of depression or anxiety in users’ text or speech.

Editorial Team

Copy Editor: U. Padma Latha

Editorial Board:


  • O. P. Ajmera
  • Manish Gulati
  • Manoj Sharma
  • Sanjay Sharma
  • Mohit Maheshwari
  • Jyoti Gupta




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